Comments on: 7 Ways to Choose the Best Business Name The Live Experience | Available in Australia Fri, 17 Sep 2021 06:02:43 +0000 hourly 1 By: altcoin writer Tue, 22 Apr 2014 07:56:00 +0000 Hi Dale, nicely done, succinct & comprehensive….but we need to move the conversation forward one notch to predict which domain names will actually get traction by using social information to benchmark domain name recall, popularity and trust factor(s). Once the data is in hand we can use it to predict the likelihood of domain name acceptance just like Epagogix does for movies.

How can we do this?

Well, we can start with data from twitter or FB? First pass would be to develop a ranking metric for established legacy business names.
Second pass would be ton identify fast up and coming names by categories e.g. software startups, mobile apps, ecommerce brand names online selling platforms (Gumroad).

Once we have the data and a prediction algorithm we can do split testing using statistics based on a survey.

The question is: will people pay for a ‘scientifically significant’ domain name(s). This probably depends on the niche and the footprint of the business. I guess a % of im niche marketers would pay and enterprises might pay at a higher rate if the software works.



P.S. The end game would be to sell out to Go Daddy

By: Inner City Smash Tue, 22 Apr 2014 05:17:00 +0000 Hi Dale, like the video on name changing can you come up with a name ours we purchased the business Its name is Inner City Smash reading all your comments 1 name 2 name and three try and avoid what do you think we can change it to as Dr Crash, Mr Crash or Crashed It what are thoughts as our name has been around for a while.
