Personal Growth Archives – Business Blueprint The Live Experience | Available in Australia Mon, 10 Jan 2022 00:03:26 +0000 en-AU hourly 1 Personal Growth Archives – Business Blueprint 32 32 Out of the Comfort Zone Interview Sun, 09 Jan 2022 21:00:48 +0000 Learn how Business Blueprint Founder Dale Beaumont achieved business success by watching this brand new TV series Outlier.

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Want to know something that nobody knows about award-winning entrepreneur Dale Beaumont?

After the tragic death of his brother, Dale never thought he would find happiness again.

But as fate (and his reluctant openness) would have it, Dale went on an insatiable personal development journey that led him to start his first business at the age of 19 and build three different million dollar companies before the age of thirty.


149 Steps to Marketing Perfection. What’s your score?

Plus, Dale has written and published 19 best-selling books, which have collectively sold over a quarter of a million copies. Incredibly, 11 of those 16 books were published in a single year, a feat that earned him the title ‘Australia’s Most Prolific Author’.

Click the play button below to get a sneak peek of the episode.

To watch the full episode of Dale’s interview for free, which will be released next month, simply register at where you can also win an episode of Outlier for your business simply by sharing the Outlier series with your friends.


149 Steps to Marketing Perfection. What’s your score?

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How to Build Resilience & Lead Yourself Through Challenging Times Wed, 15 Sep 2021 22:30:18 +0000 In these unprecedented times, it’s essential to build your resilience. Watch this video by storyteller and viral video producer Briony Benjamin as she shares the life-changing lessons in her book ‘Life Is Tough But So Are You’.

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As a community, we’ve gone through a lot of changes in recent times. These changes have affected our economy and most especially our businesses.

If you’re struggling to deal with your business and other aspects of your personal life, storyteller and viral video producer Briony Benjamin shares the life-changing lessons in her book ‘Life Is Tough But So Are You’.


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After pressing pause on her life thanks to the Big C, she turned her focus to sharing life-changing support for anyone who is facing a life-changing situation. Whatever it is that you’re going through, this video is here to provide comfort and strength. And to remind you that life might be tough, but so are you!

Watch the video below now.



149 Steps to Marketing Perfection. What’s your score?

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What’s Your Sensitivity Quotient? Thu, 27 Aug 2020 17:00:34 +0000 What are you doing to go above and beyond for your customers? Most people work on improving their intelligence and emotional quotients. But what are you doing to improve your sensitivity quotient as a business owner? Having a high sensitivity quotient means seeing things with your heart, adding value and taking actions that positively impact…

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What are you doing to go above and beyond for your customers?

Most people work on improving their intelligence and emotional quotients. But what are you doing to improve your sensitivity quotient as a business owner?


149 Steps to Marketing Perfection. What’s your score?

Having a high sensitivity quotient means seeing things with your heart, adding value and taking actions that positively impact the people around you.

Elim Chew is the Founder of 77th Street, an iconic streetwear retail fashion chain in Singapore as well as a mentor for many young aspiring entrepreneurs.

This short clip was taken from our annual overseas conference in Singapore where Elim shares the importance of raising a generation of children with a high sensitivity quotient.

But make no mistake, developing a higher SQ is not just a generational issue. This is something that all businesses need to learn and work on.

Watch the video below:

After watching the video, let us know your biggest takeaway from Elim’s presentation by posting a comment on our social media channels.


I was sitting there eating and drinking and suddenly these flies came around. Then I went up to the waiter and said, “Can you get rid of the flies? Or can you kill the flies?”

They were sitting there and can you imagine they were servers, right? They were sitting there. They looked at me and said, “But we don’t know how to do it.” I said, “Yes, but you have that!” There’s this thing where you can electrify flies. The one that looks like a tennis racket. You can just hit it and can get rid of the flies. They said, “Yes, but it has no battery.” I said, “Do you know that just across the road there’s a 7/11 shop where you can get the batteries from? You can just buy it, change it and use it.”


149 Steps to Marketing Perfection. What’s your score?

But you know they don’t have that sensitivity quotient (SQ) to go the extra step and I have to share it with them. Today, all of our young people are growing up with their headphones. They have become insensitive to the things around them. This is something we need to train our young people.

I love watching kids being here because all of you are going to interact with them. They will learn from you and create a change. Go into TEDx NTU and see sensitivity quotient (SQ).

You can also ask yourself, what are the examples you can use to train your staff to be sensitive and provide the best service above and beyond for your customers?

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What’s Your ‘Why’? Tue, 18 Aug 2020 19:00:59 +0000 What is it that gets you out of bed in the morning? More importantly, what is it that inspires you to be pushing the boundaries, testing your limits and striving to make a difference as a business owner? The answer to this question is your ‘why’. Of course, part of the answer as to why…

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What is it that gets you out of bed in the morning?

More importantly, what is it that inspires you to be pushing the boundaries, testing your limits and striving to make a difference as a business owner?

The answer to this question is your ‘why’.


149 Steps to Marketing Perfection. What’s your score?

Of course, part of the answer as to why you’re doing what you do is to make a living. But there are hundreds of different, and probably much easier ways to earn a dollar than by striking out on your own as an entrepreneur.

Sharing the reasons that drive you beyond money can be one of the most powerful tools in building your brand and business.

Finding your ‘why’

What picks you back up when you get knocked down? Is it your family? Is it your past experiences? Perhaps you are driven by a desire to help others which is impossible to ignore.

To find your ‘why’, start by making a simple list. Write down those reasons for getting out of bed in the morning. It could be to provide a better future for your children, to continue your weight loss achievements or to spread the word about a cause you are passionate about.

Make some more notes. Why do you want to provide a better future for your children? Why do you want to maintain your health? Why is it so important that you make a difference to your community?

Your ‘why’ story will begin to emerge from your notes. It may have begun in childhood or it may have begun last year. It may involve a challenging experience, a moment of enlightenment or a major change in your career status.

An amazing example of a ‘why’ story is shared by property expert Ian Ugarte. Always ambitious, Ian was motivated to educate himself and build a positively geared property portfolio. He managed to do this so successfully that he was able to quit his job and live off his investments, while supporting his wife and family.

Despite achieving what most people would define as ‘success’, Ian woke up one morning feeling incredibly depressed and unfulfilled. It finally dawned on him that his wealth counted for nothing if he wasn’t giving back. This led him to found Small is the New Big, a business which helps property investors while addressing Australia’s affordable housing crisis.


149 Steps to Marketing Perfection. What’s your score?

Sharing your ‘why’

The above ‘why’ story is an excellent example of how you can share your purpose as a way of attracting not just customers but also media attention. Ian and his business have been featured across numerous publications, and he now sits on several sustainable housing boards.

Once you have your own ‘why’ story, don’t keep it to yourself! Add it to your website, your social media and anywhere else people go to find out more about your business. You can do this in writing, through a photo gallery, or even through a one – two minute video.

Your ‘why’ story doesn’t have to be long, it simply has to explain the motivation behind what you do in a way which will appeal to your user or viewer.

Why ‘why’ matters

By sharing your ‘why’ story, you are providing your customers with more motivation to do business with you. This is for a couple of reasons.

Firstly, if you are choosing between two very similar businesses, with very similar prices and products, you need a factor which will tip the balance one way or another. A compelling ‘why’ story can make this difference between you and the competition.

Then, by sharing your ‘why’, you are allowing your potential customers to get to know you. They can see beyond the logo and the hard sell to gain a picture of someone who is motivated by more than money.

It is human nature — when you feel as though you know someone, you want to support them. If your customer reads your story they will form an instant connection with you on a personal level and feel more positive about buying from your business.

Creating a ‘why’ story shouldn’t take much thought as you probably already know your reasons for being in business. Getting it out there shouldn’t be a big deal either and it will pay dividends in the form of more customers, who know what you are about and wish to support you.

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How Michelle’s Cosmetics Company ‘Popped’ To The Top Sun, 16 Aug 2020 19:00:34 +0000 One of the most exciting things about business is the potential to find incredible success at any age, in any industry. All it takes is determination, resilience, a plan and an unwavering desire to achieve your goals. Michelle Young is one entrepreneur who has never let the small things get in the way of her…

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One of the most exciting things about business is the potential to find incredible success at any age, in any industry.

All it takes is determination, resilience, a plan and an unwavering desire to achieve your goals.

Michelle Young is one entrepreneur who has never let the small things get in the way of her big plans. As the founder of POP UP Cosmetics, she has experienced considerable success by sharing cut-price cosmetics with a market of eager buyers.


149 Steps to Marketing Perfection. What’s your score?

Michelle started POP UP Cosmetics with just one ‘travelling’ store. Now, she is running four concurrent sales across Sydney Metro and has plans to expand nationally. Her business has grown from one staff member to 17 over this period of time. Thanks to her innovative business model, Michelle’s company was also named as a State Finalist in the Telstra Business Awards.

Here’s a Q&A on Michelle’s journey and her best-practice secrets to small business success:

What do you love most about running a business?

For me, business is about having a creative outlet and being strategic. I love waking up each morning and being creatively inspired, knowing we can introduce any element to the business to make it a better experience for our customers and create growth for the company.

My mind is easily stimulated and I am never short of ideas. It is the lack of time to implement the ideas that frustrate me the most!

Each day, the team at head office and I work on strategy and growth. We have a constant focus on our customer experience and on delivering quality cosmetics at prices that are affordable to everyone. To keep the business on track to achieve our goals, I have five major projects that I give particular focus to each quarter.

How did POP UP Cosmetics come to be?

POP UP Cosmetics was launched as a retail extension of a wholesale cosmetic company I started 12 years ago called The Cosmetic Department. I started the business after a trip to the United States where I was shocked at how much we pay for cosmetics in Australia in comparison.

We started wholesaling to pharmacies and other retail stores and this has evolved into running POP UP Cosmetic sales across Sydney. At the pop-up sales, we open up our wholesale prices to the public and make brand name cosmetics available to everyone at up to 85 per cent off normal store prices. Women love getting cosmetics at prices that are not available anywhere else.

How did you hear about Business Blueprint?

I have attended a lot of business development programs over the past 12 years, so when the option to attend 52 Ways appeared on Facebook, I jumped at the chance to learn more skills.

I attended the one-day event and was so impressed, I signed up for my first year of Business Blueprint on the spot.


149 Steps to Marketing Perfection. What’s your score?

Why did you decide to join?

To be honest, I did hesitate over joining as I didn’t want to cover the same information that I had already paid for at other business programs, including Tony Robbins Business Mastery.

However, after speaking with one of the consultants, I was re-assured Business Blueprint is like no other business program. I trusted the consultant, and because I was impressed with the level of value that was given on the free day event, I signed up for the program.

Although I have learnt so much at other business programs, Business Blueprint is unique. The program shares practical, hands-on ways to immediately implement what you have learnt into your business.

How has your business changed since joining Business Blueprint?

When I was starting out, I did all the advertising and marketing, however, I now utilise experts in online digital marketing and social media who use highly targeted and specific strategies to help bring customers into our stores. Once you can afford to, it is best to hire trusted experts, so that you can again refocus on further growth strategies.

Through our systems, our social media campaigns and email databases, we are able to grow our customer base by five-ten per cent every week. This brings more and more local customers in-store each time our sale returns.

POP UP Cosmetics has grown very quickly but in a stable and healthy way. As well as being named as a finalist in the Telstra Small Business Awards, we also launched our own private label cosmetics brand, which manufactures high-quality cosmetics to be sold at affordable prices.

What do you like most about the Business Blueprint program?

I love the four-day conferences and the leading edge skills I learn from key experts. This helps me stay informed of the latest technology and the best strategies I should be using in my business.

I also love the expertise of the community group, where there are so many other business owners who can offer their advice and experience for any challenges and situations that arise. Everyone is so helpful and generous with their knowledge.

What is the biggest takeaway from Business Blueprint you would like to share with other business owners?

The most important lesson I have learnt is the power of systems. We have an online operations manual that runs our entire business, both in our pop up stores as well as our head office. Installing this has enabled me to remove myself, hire staff and expand much more rapidly.

What’s your advice to people thinking of joining Business Blueprint?

Joining Business Blueprint is an investment in your business success, which will transform your business into what you have always known that it is capable of. I don’t have any regrets, and I don’t think that there would be a single member who hasn’t expanded their business or regained control of their life through the teachings, practical advice and skills that are taught by Dale and his team.

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Why Is Education So Important For Business Success? Wed, 31 Jul 2019 05:00:36 +0000 Have you ever heard the saying, ‘You don’t know what you don’t know’? It is never more true than in business. While you’re frantically filling orders, keeping up with staff demands and dealing with suppliers, the world of business doesn’t stop growing and evolving. Ten years ago, smartphones came and changed everything. Around that time,…

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Have you ever heard the saying, ‘You don’t know what you don’t know’?

It is never more true than in business. While you’re frantically filling orders, keeping up with staff demands and dealing with suppliers, the world of business doesn’t stop growing and evolving.

Ten years ago, smartphones came and changed everything. Around that time, the introduction of the cloud also revolutionised the way we do business.


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Now we have caught up with those technologies, the next ones are on the horizon. Think artificial intelligence, widespread voice control, new transport options, even better connectivity and ‘green’ options for almost every purchase.

The thing is, it’s hard to adapt when you have your head buried in your business. This is why ongoing education is so very important.

The Importance of Having a Coach or Mentor

No single business owner has achieved it all on their own. They not only have outstanding teams behind them, but they also have a reliable mentor, coach or educator standing beside them.

If you ask any major player in the world of business of the secret to their success, they will all say a big part has been surrounding themselves with the right people to provide advice and guide them along the way.

Steve Jobs famously mentored Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg. Designer Yves Saint-Laurent learned from Christian Dior. British actor Alan Rickman (known for playing Severus Snape, amongst many, many other standout roles) mentored Colin Firth and Warren Buffett mentored Bill Gates, having had a mentor of his own.

Education plays a huge role in mentoring. Your mentor will share their experiences and the failures they have learned from, and will also point you in the right direction of what you need to brush up on.

With the right guide, you’ll access the information you need to succeed and get where you want to go faster.

How to Get a Business Education

Many business owners see an MBA as the only way to educate themselves. However, these qualifications come with very high price tags and a lot of stress to pass exams and perform. It’s not always what you need when you’re running a business.

If formal education isn’t ideal for you, you can still seek out the information that will help your business from other providers.

For example, if you need to know more about how to get media exposure, wouldn’t it be amazing to have an on-hand video you can watch or webinar to access? Ideally, this will have been created recently and be presented by someone who is active in the industry themselves.

You could also find you need to nail your marketing message. A session with a guru will pay off more than a long-winded qualification which covers elements you don’t really need to be aware of.

When it comes to getting a business education, one of the best ways is to learn from the people who have come before you. If these people have been there, done that, and built their own business, they’ll be able to help you, starting now.


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Discover the Best Business Education in Australia and New Zealand

Imagine being able to skip the stress of staying up to date with the latest business technology, and accessing almost everything you need to know in order to grow your business the right way, in just one day.

By attending our “best ever” one day workshop, you can discover the best techniques to streamline your operations, get more organised, find more time in your day… and the big one—make more money!

We created 52 Ways to give business owners a shortcut to an education. With our help, you’ll access dozens of strategies and techniques to grow your organisation and feel more confident about the future.

Our next AU/NZ tour is kicking off soon. Grab your ticket before they sell out and discover the incredible difference the right education can make to your bottom line.

Visit to grab your ticket now!

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Why my family takes 4 months holidays per year Mon, 04 Mar 2019 17:00:15 +0000 Who says being an entrepreneur is all work and no play? If you put in the right foundations, it can be your ticket to the freedom to do whatever you want. For me, this means regular travel. But it wasn’t always this way. I have always been ambitious, starting from my childhood, when I trained…

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Who says being an entrepreneur is all work and no play? If you put in the right foundations, it can be your ticket to the freedom to do whatever you want.

For me, this means regular travel. But it wasn’t always this way.

I have always been ambitious, starting from my childhood, when I trained to be a professional gymnast. Once I left gymnastics behind, I set my sights on creating a successful business from age 19.

When I was starting out, I relentlessly set goals, worked around the clock to achieve them and then once I had, I set bigger goals and got back to work.


149 Steps to Marketing Perfection. What’s your score?

However, once my family came along, my wife and I realised I had turned into the textbook ‘All work and no play’ entrepreneur. I never took the time to smell the roses and I was close to burning out.

That’s when we sat down and made a major decision. Instead of never taking a break, I would work for three months then have one month off. I have since upped that to working for two months then having one month off. This gives my family and I the freedom to enjoy being together and travelling to amazing destinations.

How to take four months holiday per year

Making this kind of change may sound impossible to you right now, and it did to me at first as well. How could my business run without me there? Who would make decisions and how could I be sure they were the right ones if I wasn’t there to micromanage?

I was stuck in the mindset of ‘nobody can do things as well as I can’ and I didn’t believe my business could operate successfully without me there every day. This can take a while to overcome but the best way to do it is firstly to hire amazing people who you can trust and secondly to make it easy for them to get things done while you’re away.

There are a few factors which come into play here:

Firstly, to allow yourself the freedom and time off you need, you must do the groundwork and establish systems and procedures. These document all the ins and outs of your business, from sending a package to onboarding a new client and even using the coffee machine.

You can store your systems and procedures on your company intranet so they can be accessed at any time. Use tools like Wistia to quickly record videos while sharing your screen and go through step by step instructions. This may feel time-consuming at first but every video you record will save your staff from coming up to you and saying “How do I do [insert menial task] again???”

Your next important task is to leverage technology for automation. Make it easy for your customers to find the answers they are looking for without needing to speak to someone. Set up automated emails so you are in touch with your customers, even when you’re away. This will free you to step away from your business and finally take the time off you have been craving.


149 Steps to Marketing Perfection. What’s your score?

Of course, you don’t have to dive in with a whole month off. Instead, try leaving the office for a week. You can keep an eye on emails and let your staff know they can touch base if they need you but you may be surprised at how well they manage on their own.

One of the surprising benefits of being away from your business is that it actually gives you clarity and space to think of better ways to do things. As I explained to Business Insider recently, when you remove yourself from the business environment and take some time to unwind and decompress, you can’t help but think more clearly and creatively about how to solve problems and enhance growth.

My family and I have now visited over 75 countries across each continent. Our kids have the opportunity to experience amazing cultures and understand there is a world beyond their home and school. We love travelling together and we feel like we’re just getting started!

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Is It All in Your Head? Mon, 17 Sep 2018 19:00:27 +0000 When you first start out in business, unless you have a bounty of funds from a generous investor, odds are it is all you.

This can be a challenging time. As well as being the expert in your chosen field, you are the sales director, the marketing manager, and the finance officer. You’re a professional plate-spinner, and as your business grows, so does your to-do list.

Continue Reading →

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When you first start out in business, unless you have a bounty of funds from a generous investor, odds are it is all you.

This can be a challenging time. As well as being the expert in your chosen field, you are the sales director, the marketing manager, and the finance officer. You’re a professional plate-spinner, and as your business grows, so does your to-do list.


149 Steps to Marketing Perfection. What’s your score?

If you snuck a look inside the head of the owner of any successful business, you would see a swirling vortex of information. This includes price lists, calendar entries, best-practices, returns policies, and customer queries. It’s a jungle in there!

Eventually, something has to give. You can either a). Scale back and stop taking on new customers, thus capping your earning potential.

Or, you can b). Start offloading what is crammed into your brain (and slowly driving you up the wall), and learn to delegate.

Taking the next step as a business owner

If you were hit by a bus tomorrow (heaven forbid), what would become of your business? Would it keep ticking along or would it collapse in a heap?

Even for business owners who have a team of staff, the answer is often the latter. This is because they keep everything in their head and fail to share information which enables their crew to get the job done without them.

For those who are serious about growing their business, it is essential to get everything out of your head and written down, so you can make it easy for other people to take over.

To get started, write down everything you do over the course of a working week. This includes dealing with clients, making phone calls and chasing overdue invoices. It will probably be easier to break things down by categories such as administration, finance, marketing, etc.

Now take a look at your task list. How much time are some of these tasks taking you? Perhaps only a few minutes, but if you consider how many times a week or month you do these things, it can add up.

Another question to ask yourself is, “Can I teach somebody else to do this?”

You see, your time is limited. To make money, you have to spend it doing the things which are worth the most. A task like sending invoices may take you four hours a month. If your time is worth, say $100 per hour, this is costing you $400.


149 Steps to Marketing Perfection. What’s your score?

By spending one hour teaching someone how to send invoices for you, and by paying them as low as $10AUD per hour (keep reading to find out how), you are costing yourself only around $40 but enabling yourself to earn that $400 you are missing out on. That’s a profit of $360.

Get started delegating and outsourcing these repetitive, simple tasks, and you stand to save yourself hours of time and hundreds, if not thousands of dollars.

A strategy I use is to create simple how-to videos for my team. Each video explains the basics of everyday tasks like mailing parcels, booking flights or even using the coffee machine. We keep the link to each video in a central company intranet which can be accessed by the entire team (or limited to a few team members where necessary).

Yes, it takes a few minutes to create these videos. But once they’re done, new team members can easily take a look to find out how to take care of basic jobs within the business. As a result, my senior staff and I don’t have to spend time teaching them ourselves.

If you are not at the point where you are ready to hire full-time staff, there are plenty of options to outsource to virtual workers in Australia and around the world. Find out how at 52 Ways, a FREE one day small business workshop which will show you different strategies for getting your business out of the cogs of your brain and turning it into a well-oiled machine.

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5 Time Management Quotes That Will Make You Insanely Productive Mon, 19 Jun 2017 23:59:45 +0000   How can you maximise your productivity? Quotes can help. I love both quotes and being productive. So I’m sharing my five favourite quotes around time management to inspire you. Copy the link below to embed on your website or share this on social media   Is it possible to be insanely productive? Absolutely. The…

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How can you maximise your productivity? Quotes can help. I love both quotes and being productive. So I’m sharing my five favourite quotes around time management to inspire you.

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Is it possible to be insanely productive?

Absolutely. The 5 quotes that I’m going to share will make you just that.

Quote #1: “The bad news is, time flies. The good news is, you’re the pilot.”

This quote is about taking responsibility and realising that you are the one that’s in control.


149 Steps to Marketing Perfection. What’s your score?

One of my mentors said to me once: the millionaire and the beggar have the same amount of hours in a day. Every single person has 24 hours. It’s how you use the hours in the day that makes a difference to how successful you become.

Quote #2: “Priority management is the answer to maximising the time you have.”

This quote from John Maxwell is all about helping you to understand what your priorities are. When you’re running your own business, there’s a question you need to ask every day. And that is, “What is the highest task that you need to work on now?”

Do less of the tasks that can be delayed to a later time. Let someone else do them. If you focused on doing more high priority tasks then you’d be a lot more successful.

So think about where your priorities right now in the business. Make sure you are working on those things and only those things.

Quote #3: “Do the thing and then you’ll get the energy to do the thing.”

Now this one is a little weird. Do the thing and then you’ll get the energy to do the thing. What does that actually mean?

For me, it’s all about getting started. We often wait until we’re in the right mood or we’re feeling right. Sometimes that may never happen.

Now there’s another quote that’s sort of tied into this that I really like and that is “it’s starting that stops most people.” So when it comes to doing a task, just get started.

Just start doing it even if you don’t feel like doing it. After 5 minutes or 10 minutes you’ll find that feeling turning into excitement. It’s because now you’re actually well and truly into it. Now you’re in the flow. Now you’re actually seeing the finish line and you’re getting excited about getting it done.

So even if you don’t feel like doing it, if it’s high priority do it anyway. And you’ll get the energy to keep doing it and get it done.

Quote #4: “Progress is more important than perfection.”

This is one of my all-time favourites. A lot of business owners and a lot of high achievers really suffer from this.

What you got to understand is that perfection is an illusion. It doesn’t actually exist. You can always make things better. You can always improve. Let go of this idea of perfection and focus instead on the idea of progress. When you do, you’ll find that you continue to make things better over time.

So that way, you actually get something out. You get feedback really quickly and then you can iterate and you can make it better. So remember, progress is more important than perfection. Anytime something takes a long time, just get it done as best as you can. Then get feedback and improve.

Quote #5: “Don’t spend $1 worth of time on a 10-cent decision.”

Now, this last one is one that I absolutely love. We often spend hours or even weeks of time on things that aren’t really important. We find ourselves spending way too long on stuff that doesn’t actually matter.

For example, where should this kind of logo go? Should it be on the left side? On the right side? It might take you an hour to brainstorm where it should actually be.

Now if it’s super important, obviously spend the time. But if it’s a 10-cent decision, don’t spend a dollar’s worth of time. Because your time is your most valuable commodity. It’s the one resource you don’t get any more of so you want to ensure that you’re using the time wisely.

So remember. Don’t spend $1 worth of time on a 10 cent decision. And conversely, don’t spend 10 cents on a dollar question. It’s very important to make sure that you ask yourself those questions constantly. If you are, you’re spending your time in the right place.


149 Steps to Marketing Perfection. What’s your score?

More Time Management Quotes

These are my five favourite quotes of all time. The next step is to type these into Google. Print them and stick them around your desk so you can look at them every single day.

If you’ve got another favourite time management quote that isn’t on this list, leave it in the comments below. I’d love to hear from you!

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2 Mindsets That Can Kill Business Success Mon, 08 May 2017 08:29:21 +0000   No man is an island and this is true in business as well. If you want to achieve something truly amazing, you can’t do it alone. You will need a team. You may be proud of the fact that you’re working hard as a solopreneur doing everything by yourself. But there is a limit…

The post 2 Mindsets That Can Kill Business Success appeared first on Business Blueprint.



No man is an island and this is true in business as well. If you want to achieve something truly amazing, you can’t do it alone. You will need a team.


149 Steps to Marketing Perfection. What’s your score?

You may be proud of the fact that you’re working hard as a solopreneur doing everything by yourself. But there is a limit to the amount of income that you can make. Most business owners who are working on their own will most likely max out at somewhere between $200k to maybe $300k. To go beyond that, you can’t keep working alone. You need to have a team to back you up.

Now, this is where the conflict comes in because of the two things that most business owners often say to themselves, time and time again. If you let these things get inside your brain, your words would soon become your reality. This is why I’m sharing the two biggest mindsets that hold business owners back and the things that stop people from achieving their full potential.

Mindset Number 1: It’s Faster If I Do It Myself

This is something that I hear time and time again. When people don’t want to let go and keep saying “It’s faster if I do it myself”, what it basically means is that they’re left doing everything by themselves. Now if you’re doing everything in your business, it will limit the size of business that you can grow. If you want to grow beyond the million dollar mark, then you’ll need to have a team around you.

People argue “it’s faster if I do it myself” when actually it’s not. You may be faster that one time wherein it could take you half an hour but it might take other people an hour or two if they are doing it for the first time. But if you say it again this week and the weeks after, you’ll have spent more time on that particular task because you’re the only one who can do it. You’ve somehow convinced yourself that you’ve got special skills and special powers and no one else can do it other than you.


149 Steps to Marketing Perfection. What’s your score?

But if you were to ask yourself, “Will I ever have to do this again?”, the answer is yes. What you can do is stop and build a system around how you do that task. And then you’d find someone else and you train them. Training might take you 3-4 hours tops. Once the task has been delegated and handed over to someone new, you’ll have saved yourself hours of time to do other different tasks.

So remember this: it’s not faster if you do it yourself. Take those words and remove them from your mindset completely. Learn to build systems and pass things onto someone else.

Mindset Number 2: Nobody Can Do It as Good as I Can

If you’ve said this to yourself a hundred or a thousand times then you’ve probably convinced yourself that “no one can do it as good as what I can.” Now this would be a tragedy because you’re destined to have a really small business for the rest of your life.

Again if you want to grow, if you want to help more people, serve more customers, make more money, have more freedom and have more success again–you have to learn to let it go.

This means you need to lower some of your ego a little bit and realise the fact that there are many amazing talented people. Rather than feeling that you’re the best at everything, you should find people that are actually better than you at completing certain tasks.

Another thing is that these people don’t have to do it as good as you can, just divide the task. They can accomplish 80-90% of the task, which may take them 10 hours. At that point, you can then come in to do an hour or two to polish it off and make it 100% complete.


Remember if you want to become successful in business, these are two really important mindsets that you need to kill. The first one is “it’s faster if I do it myself” and the second is “nobody can do it as good as I can”.

Now that you know the two mindsets, I need you to make a promise to yourself to never say these two sentences again. You need to extract those from your brain and replace them with new ideas.

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If you need other business tips, we’ve just launched a brand new 1-Day Business Workshop called “52 Ways” which is quite simply, the BEST 1-Day Workshop, EVER.

At this workshop, you will learn 52 strategies to grow your business. Implement 1 strategy each week of the year and you’ll have a sure-fire way to give you more time, increased output and boost the profits of your business.

If you’d like to join us at this FREE 1-Day business workshop, register now and claim your free ticket by registering and clicking on the banner below.

The post 2 Mindsets That Can Kill Business Success appeared first on Business Blueprint.
