Comments on: How to Double Or Even Triple Your Sales Leads in One Simple Move The Live Experience | Available in Australia Tue, 30 Jun 2015 06:22:18 +0000 hourly 1 By: Dale Beaumont Tue, 22 Jun 2010 02:34:43 +0000 In reply to Kevin Adair.

Go for it Kevin. Looking forward to hearing how you go. Dale

By: Kevin Adair Mon, 21 Jun 2010 19:36:27 +0000 This short video was great. It has given me confidence in an idea I have had for some time and it has shown me a few ways to move forward. Thanks Dale

By: Graham Fri, 18 Jun 2010 12:24:42 +0000 I have used special reports for over ten years for both my own business and many of my clients. And they really are an amazingly effective lead generation tool that can be used by any type of business. They are also very simple to put together. You just need a good title, some useful content and a small amount of time. I've created a short booklet called The Million Dollar Magnet which shows exactly how to create and use special reports in any business. This is free of charge for the asking. Just email with the words Million Dollar Magnet and you can have a copy. This booklet shows you step by step how to create your own special reports and how to use them to generate large amounts of new prospects and sales. I have personally written over 247 special reports and have yet to find a business they won't work for. One of the things I really liked about this short video is that it explains why special reports appeal to such a wide range of potential prospects. Graham McGregor

By: Mike Klassen Fri, 18 Jun 2010 11:47:28 +0000 I really relate to the idea of giving out helpful content. I was listening to someone yesterday who said that “content is your handshake”, especially in those situations where face-to-face isn't possible.

And the idea of repurposing is something that's lost on a lot of businesses. They may have a blog, but miss out on organizing some of that content into a free guide or book. That's something I ended up doing… a downloadable book, and then some of that content broken out into smaller, more targeted guides.

From there, you can apply that content to a podcast for the people who like to learn by listening. (Something I enjoy doing.) Video content is also a natural step. Even making sure that small bits of the content is available in different places is good. (I use Ezine Articles.)

What happens is that your free content and helpful advice tends to show up when people are doing searches and a perception is created that you're an expert in your field.

It begins to create that level of trust that when people are ready to buy, you're the one people want to do business with because you've been so giving with your expertise and they feel they know you.

By: Joel Williams Thu, 17 Jun 2010 20:02:18 +0000 Great video!
