George Faddoul Archives – Business Blueprint The Live Experience | Available in Australia Fri, 26 Oct 2018 01:37:12 +0000 en-AU hourly 1 George Faddoul Archives – Business Blueprint 32 32 The Consistencies in Successful People Thu, 27 Jun 2013 06:59:56 +0000   Have you ever noticed that there are many consistencies among successful people? Take time to study various successful people and you can see it. Or to save time, keep on reading to find out what George Faddoul shared with Dale Beaumont about consistencies he has seen in many successful people in this snippet from…

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Have you ever noticed that there are many consistencies among successful people? Take time to study various successful people and you can see it. Or to save time, keep on reading to find out what George Faddoul shared with Dale Beaumont about consistencies he has seen in many successful people in this snippet from an interview. There is much to learn from the study of successful individuals!

George became a master practitioner and trainer of Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP), Time Line Therapy and hypnosis. Since then he has trained thousands of people in Australia and overseas and has become a dynamic speaker on a range of topics.

What are the consistencies shared among all of the successful people you know?

These are the consistencies that I have observed in the successful people I have met, and those that I have grown to know through reading their books.

  • They focus and they know what they want. We say at our seminars, ‘Energy flows where attention goes‘. Remember, you end up getting what you focus on, so make sure you focus on what you want! Ralph Waldo Emerson said, ‘You become what you think about most of the time‘.
  • They prepare themselves for receiving the object of their focus by taking action. They make the connections, they study the masters in their field, they search for the books they may need and they read them.
  • They have the curiosity of an uninhibited child, they desire to know, they ask questions, they experiment, and they make sure they’re on track. They have resilience and see no failure, only feedback and an opportunity to improve. They believe in what they have to contribute.
  • They have creativity, which gives them the flexibility to find solutions to problems. They use the faculty of their imagination to get an idea, modify it, and then improve it.
  • They have persistence and perseverance. They endure the bad times, yet they don’t cling to their comfort zones; in fact, they stretch themselves and venture into the unknown. They take and accept responsibility, and are self-reliant.
  • They connect with their own sense of a higher purpose. They are in alignment with their higher self and with their maker (their God). They are grateful – they acknowledge their gift as having been given to them for a higher purpose.

For more of this interview and on consistencies in successful people check out “Secrets of Great Success Coaches Exposed!


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Having the Right Attitude Tue, 25 Jun 2013 01:52:06 +0000   The secret to happiness. Seems like this is the big question on everyone’s lips. Find out what the secret to happiness is in this snapshot from an interview between Dale Beaumont and George Faddoul. George became a master practitioner and trainer of Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP), Time Line Therapy and hypnosis. Since then he has…

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The secret to happiness. Seems like this is the big question on everyone’s lips. Find out what the secret to happiness is in this snapshot from an interview between Dale Beaumont and George Faddoul.

George became a master practitioner and trainer of Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP), Time Line Therapy and hypnosis. Since then he has trained thousands of people in Australia and overseas and has become a dynamic speaker on a range of topics.

As a success coach what is the most common question you get asked and what is your answer to it?

George, you’re always smiling, you’re always happy, what’s your secret?‘ My answer is to start with the right attitude! They then ask me, ‘How do you fix someone’s attitude?‘ I tell them to make sure they take their vitamins every day. ‘Vitamins?’

  • Vitamin A is for Attitude – everything counts. If you say it, do it.
  • Vitamin B is for Belief – believe in yourself and your product.
  • Vitamin C is for Courage – courage to ask for your outcome.
  • Vitamin D is for Discipline – the discipline to do what you ought to, the determination to see it through, and the dedication to stay on track.
  • Vitamin E is for Enthusiasm – enthusiasm is the elixir of the Gods. As Winston Churchill said, ‘Success is going from failure to failure without losing enthusiasm’.
  • Vitamin F is for Fun – life is too valuable not to take this pill every day.

But then they chuckle and say, ‘Come on, come on, what are your real principles for success?’ I then take them through the five Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) principles for success.

  • Principle One: Know your outcome – imagine you’re boarding a plane. Wouldn’t you want to make sure that where you think you’re going is also where the pilot is going? Steven Covey says, ‘Begin with the end in mind’.
  • Principle Two: Take action – when the plane is parked on the runway and gets the clearance to take off, the pilot will apply full throttle – 100 per cent power for take-off. Nothing else will do. As my favourite philosopher, Jim Rohn, says, ‘Don’t just take action, take massive action‘.
  • Principle Three: Have sensory acuity – that’s your radar; your positioning system that makes sure you’re still on track.
  • Principle Four: Develop flexibility – flexibility is the trait you’ll need to have in order to make the necessary adjustments to stay on course. If you keep doing what you’ve always done, you’ll keep getting what you’ve always got. So for things to change, you have to change.
  • Principle Five: Be excellent – always be on your best behaviour both physically and mentally.

For more of this interview and the secret to happiness check out “Secrets of Great Success Coaches Exposed!

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Top Tips for Greater Success Thu, 20 Jun 2013 03:08:18 +0000   Are you achieving a certain level of success and want to go to the next level but unsure how to do so? Find out seven top tips for achieving greater success in this segment of an interview between Dale Beaumont and George Faddoul. George became a master practitioner and trainer of Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP),…

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Are you achieving a certain level of success and want to go to the next level but unsure how to do so? Find out seven top tips for achieving greater success in this segment of an interview between Dale Beaumont and George Faddoul.

George became a master practitioner and trainer of Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP), Time Line Therapy and hypnosis. Since then he has trained thousands of people in Australia and overseas and has become a dynamic speaker on a range of topics.

What are your top tips for reaching greater levels of success?

  • Decide what you want, and believe that you will get it. This first step of knowing your outcome will help you make a great first impression. Once you decide, you’ll feel it in your bones. It will change your character and you will walk taller.
  • Think about what you want and take an action (however small) toward attaining it each and every day. Be a cause in your universe and make no more excuses. At least once a week, take 20 minutes to brainstorm actions, and come up with a minimum of 20 ways to improve them – 20/20 vision.
  • Save ten per cent of everything that comes through your hands. Set it aside to take advantage of opportunities. Start now! Once you metamorphose this tip into a habit, this alone will make you a million dollars in no time.
  • Read 30 minutes a day, ten minutes aloud. You have no idea what this little tip will do for your confidence and your voice. It will also continue your education and your preparation. Invest in yourself, study prosperity and strive to make your learning greater than your experience.
  • Apply the 80/20 rule to everything you do. Make lists, prioritise and work on your most important priority first. Ask yourself, ‘What’s the most valuable use of my time right now?’ Work, learn and play like you’re being watched. This will give you drive and resourcefulness.
  • Have persistence and perseverance. Take care of your ‘J’ curve – the miracle of compounding. Some things are linear and some things grow exponentially.
  • Smile, celebrate, be thankful and be grateful. True prosperity involves a happy and enjoyable journey through life. Strive to make your gratitude larger than your success.

For more of this interview and top tips for greater success check out “Secrets of Great Success Coaches Exposed!

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