Domonique Bertolucci Archives – Business Blueprint The Live Experience | Available in Australia Fri, 26 Oct 2018 01:20:07 +0000 en-AU hourly 1 Domonique Bertolucci Archives – Business Blueprint 32 32 10 Ways to be the Best You Can Be Wed, 26 Jun 2013 01:31:59 +0000   What does it really mean to be ‘the best you can be’? Find out what it means plus ten ways to accomplish this great feat in this segment from an interview between Dale Beaumont and Domonique Bertolucci. After publishing her first book, Your Best Life, Domonique established Your Best Life Coach, a new enterprise…

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What does it really mean to be ‘the best you can be’? Find out what it means plus ten ways to accomplish this great feat in this segment from an interview between Dale Beaumont and Domonique Bertolucci.

After publishing her first book, Your Best Life, Domonique established Your Best Life Coach, a new enterprise dedicated to delivering personal coaching programs. She has personally spent over a thousand hours coaching high-achieving business owners.

People often talk about being ‘the best you can be’. What does this really mean and how would you advise people to go about achieving it?

If you want to be ‘the best you can be‘, incorporate the following ten principles into your life:

  • The principle of choice – it’s so important that you realise that the first and most important step in becoming the best you can be is to simply decide to be that person. Make the choice to live up to your potential and step into your brilliance.
  • The principle of influence – don’t waste energy trying to change or control things that are well beyond your control. Instead, focus on the things that are within your control and create strategies that support the outcomes you can influence.
  • The principle of presence – don’t live in the past, blaming your current reality on outdated stories from childhood, early adulthood or even last week. At the same time, don’t be so busy dreaming of your future that you overlook or waste the opportunities that are presented to you today. It’s important to accept the past, dream of the future, but live in the moment!
  • The principal of positivity – if you expect things to turn out well, they usually do. Likewise, if you expect to be disappointed, let down or to experience failure then it’s highly likely that will happen. Start expecting the best from life and you will usually get it.
  • The principle of belief – one of the most important ingredients in creating any success in life is to believe in it. You need to learn to believe in your dreams, your ideas and yourself. It’s amazing what becomes possible when you believe.
  • The principle of permission – the only person who can hold you back in life is you. Overcome your limiting beliefs, ideas and attitudes and give yourself permission to truly shine.
  • The principle of abundance – very few people are genuinely going without, and yet I hear so many affluent, healthy people constantly talking about all the things they don’t have. A poverty mentality is a serious affliction. When you focus on how much you already have your true desires will be easily met and you will discover how little you genuinely need.
  • The principle of generosity – be generous, not just with the gifts you give, but also with how you give of yourself. To be truly generous you need to give your time, energy and spirit. Avoid judgement and be generous in your assessment of others. What you give in life will determine what you receive.
  • The principle of commitment – it won’t always be easy to do, be or have everything you want in life, but if your desires are genuine, over time these things will begin to come to you with ease. Don’t give up or choose a more complacent path. If you are committed to being the best you can be, then you’re already becoming that person.
  • The principle of courage – if you want to be the best you can be you need to do the right thing, not the easy thing. I don’t mean right or wrong in a black or white, moralistic sense; the principle of courage is about doing the right thing for you and having the courage to do it, even if it feels like the hardest thing in the world to do at the time!

For more of this interview and ways to be the best you can be, check out “Secrets of Great Success Coaches Exposed!

The post 10 Ways to be the Best You Can Be appeared first on Business Blueprint.

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