149 Steps to Marketing Perfection. What’s your score?

How to Reply to Emails with Your Voice


Every business owner is guilty of it… that’s this spending too much time replying to emails.

Personally it’s been a bug bear of mine for a long time. Because I am not the worlds fastest typer, it used to take me ages to reply to all my personal emails.

Then I discovered a simple and easy way to reply to emails with my voice. Now I am able to get through double or triple the amount of emails in half the time.

Effectively this has saved me around 4-5 hours per week – time which I can now spend working on important growth projects.


149 Steps to Marketing Perfection. What’s your score?

So how am I doing this? Well to share I’ve created a short video.

All you need to do is click on the “PLAY” button below and start watching now:

Then you have any questions, feel free to leave them in the comments on the page.

Also if you feel that this information can benefit other friends of colleagues, feel free to “forward” the URL of this post to other people you know or share this link on Social Media.

That’s it for me. Have fun replying to emails with your voice 🙂


149 Steps to Marketing Perfection. What’s your score?

What’s your favourite productivity tool? Please tell us in the comments section below.