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Facebook Has Raised $2.34B Over 13 Years And Here’s How They Did It

From the outside looking in to some people, Facebook might look like an overnight success. And for others, especially millennials, the Social Media platform has always been a household name. But both statements are far from the truth.

Facebook employs over 17,000 people worldwide (Ref: Wikipedia) and according to Glass Door, the minimum wage at Facebook is USD $54,000 per year. Let’s assume that everyone earns that annual salary for a moment. Facebook’s wages alone would be a whopping $918M annually.


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So how does Facebook make their money? And how do they cover their costs? Or more importantly, are they even a profitable business?

Since being founded on 4 February 2004, Facebook has managed to raise USD $2.34B dollars which have contributed significantly to their continued growth, as well as operational costs.


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So where did they receive all of these investments from? And who bought into Facebook’s vision enough as an investor to part ways with Millions of their own personal wealth in the hope of a great return one day.

Here’s a full list of Facebook’s 21 Investors:

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